Regardless of the name, it is a serious condition which impacts many parts of your life.

The causes are varied, and in many cases are completely unknown.

Chronic spontaneous urticaria is a real and very burdensome condition.

What are my options if I have chronic hives?

It can be, but the trigger of the hives is usually not known.

Chronic spontaneous urticaria is a real and very burdensome disease that is often misdiagnosed and not treated effectively.

Understand how treatment guidelines are used.

Effective treatments are available.

It is a myth that chronic spontaneous urticaria is caused by an allergy.

There are effective treatments to control the symptoms of hives.

It is a form of hives that occurs as red or brown patches on the skin.

Put simply, urticaria is the medical term for hives.

Stress can make hives worse, find out how to manage your stress.

No different to hives on any other part of the body, but their location can provide insight into the type of urticaria.

Recent evidence shows that low histamine diets, avoiding certain foods and Vitamin D supplementation may benefit some people with chronic urticaria.

There is no urticaria cure, but there are treatments that can help.

Acute, chronic, physical, spontaneous… what does it all mean?

Put simply, urticaria can be classified by how long it lasts as well as what it is caused by.

Infections are a common cause of hives, especially in children.